My Romance

How does romance work in Palia?

Some NPCs in Palia are eligible as romantic partners. You can have more than one partner, but the requirement for all romances in Palia is to raise your friendship level to at least 3. Some villagers have additional requirements, but generally, once you reach friendship level 3, you can give them either a box of chocolates or a heartdop lily, which lets them know you're romantically interested in them.

This unlocks the romance progression bar, which works much like the friendship bar in that it has different levels to work toward. You'll get the option to flirt with them, and they'll have unique dialogue related to their feelings for you. Once you raise your romance level high enough, they'll give you their villager pin, which you can wear to indicate you're in a relationship with them. Although you can romance as many characters as you want, you can only wear two pins at a time.


I chose Tish to be my partner in Palia, mainly because I'm admittedly shallow and I think her character design is adorable. I also fell in love with her sunny personality and creativity when it comes to furniture design. She's an artist, and it shows when you visit her home, which is decorated in lovely pinks and blues.

Tish comes from a family of carpenters, and she cares deeply about her brother Reth, the village's resident chef. When she was a child, she had an illness that made life difficult for her, and it was unclear if she would make it to adulthood. She and Reth moved to Kilima Village to get away from the city and get some fresh air, which Tish believes has contributed to her improved health.

My favorite things about Tish

  • One of her preferred gifts is a wagon wheel, which she repurposes into beautiful furniture.
  • One of her dialogue lines is, "Don't you just love the way the wind whistles through the valley?"
  • She loves flowers.
  • Her house is super cozy, and she has plushes in her bedroom.
  • She's kind.
  • She's a fan of the Bahari Boyz, an in-game boy band, and wishes they would perform in Kilima.
  • She thinks chapaa are adorable.
  • She's secretly trying to hook her brother up with Jel, the town's tailor.